We invited Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Murata of Mie University and held a seminar.
October 3-7, 2021 Three presentations were given at Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL 2021)
30 Sept 2021.
TILA Consortium Annual Meeting 2021 was held.
The 2nd Laser Society of Japan “Tiny Integrated Lasers” Technical Committee Meeting was held at Institute for Molecular Science (hybrid conference).
In the July 2021 issue of Photonics Spectra, an optical technology newspaper, an article on a laser plug for engine ignition developed by the Taira Group, which appeared in the magazine’s July issue 10 years ago, was introduced as “This month in history.
Laser peening results of Prof. Taira and PM Sano will be exhibited at “Society 5.0 Science Expo”.
9 July 2021.
The 1st Technical Committee Meeting on “Tiny Integrated Lasers” of the Laser Society of Japan was held at the Institute for Molecular Science (&Web Conference).
June 30, 2021 13:00~15:30 The 4th Laser Processing Grant-in-Aid Research Results Presentation will be held at Pacifico Yokohama in a hybrid (venue + online) lecture format.
June 11, 2021 Molecular Science Forum “Molecular Evolution in the Universe and the Role of Ice Particles” will be held from 18:00.
The Amada Foundation has started accepting grant applications for fiscal year 2021.
June 25, 2021 The Symposium on JST Mirai Program will be held online. Prof. Taira will give a presentation.
The Division of Research Innovation and Collaboration has moved to a new location. The new location of the office is in Joint Research Bldg. D.
Call for Research Proposals for FY2021 JST.
Member company page has been updated.
The new year has begun, and I look forward to working you again this year.